Actuarial Exams
Here we explain how the UCSB Actuarial Association can help you prepare for exams.
PSTAT 182T - Actuarial Tutorial Class
This class offers preparation support for exams P and FM. Students may enroll in this class repeatedly. Exams are covered on a rotation basis. For Fall 2022 we will study Probability. There are problem sets to be solved in class and at home, a mock final exam, and ongoing support for problem solving.
PSTAT 182T has just aligned the P exam syllabus with the 2023 SOA syllabus!
PSTAT 182T has a channel on our Discord Forum under 'Exams'. Please consider joining this channel!
The association maintains for your benefit the following study resources:
- For each exam: a mapping to UCSB courses and current sillabi.
- An excellently designed Discord server that facilitates discussions for each exam. Check it out!
- Liaison with professors in order to optimize your benefit from the UCSB Actuarial Exam Tutorial (through Discord)
- A list of online and printed resources.
- A database of problems and solutions (pdf, youtube, etc.) organized per topic.
Please note that the Discord server has a ticket feature. If you have questions about your particular situation just open a ticket and an Officer will respond. Please use tickets sparingly!
How can you help?
You can help this effort in many ways and your contribution will be acknowledged:
- Use the ticket system to let us know of any errors or overdue maintenance
- Have you used a good resource that we don't know about? Let us know by opening a ticket!
- Have you watched an instructional video that you found helpful? Write a short review and contribute it to our site!
- Have you made an excellent study guide or compiled a formula sheet? Contribute them!
- Have you written an interesting post? Let us know and it may be featured in our blog!
Open all the links and explore this site!
Become a regular user of our Discord server!
Good luck on your exams!